Grupo de Termotecnia de la Universidad de Valladolid

GIR             Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de la Universidad de Valladolid
UIC 053      Unidad de Investigación Consolidada de Castilla y León


Diseño web: Paula M. Esquivias

DTG and DTA studies on sugar derivatives

Autores/Authors: Rey-Martínez, F.J.; Ramos-Sanchez, M.C.; Rodriguez-Mendez, M.L.; Martin-Gil, J.; Martin-Gil, F.J.
Revista/Journal: Thermochimica Acta 1988, 134, 67-72
Fecha Publicación/Publication Date: 01/10/1988
Impacto/Impact: JCR (1988): 0.584    CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL    Posición/Position: 30/41    Cuartil/Quartile: Q3    Tercil/Tertile: T3
DOI: 10.1016/0040-6031(88)85218-3


Many biological compounds which perform essential functions contain saccharides bonded to other types of structures. Sugar derivatives such as aminosugars, sugar alcohols (polyols), nucleosides, nucleotides, etc. (that have recently attracted increased attention, especially in the field of antibiotics) were now subjected to DTG and DTA studies in order to observe the differences with the results obtained on typical sugars.


Universidad de Valladolid | GIR Termotecnia
Paseo del Cauce nº 59, 47011, Valladolid
Reservado todos los derechos

Investigador Coordinador:
Francisco Javier Rey Martínez
+34 983 42 33 66 |