Grupo de Termotecnia de la Universidad de Valladolid

GIR             Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de la Universidad de Valladolid
UIC 053      Unidad de Investigación Consolidada de Castilla y León


Diseño web: Paula M. Esquivias

Kinetic analysis of thermal decomposition of praseodymium(III) nitrate hexahydrate

Autores/Authors: Rey-Martínez, F.J.; Martin-Gil, J.; Gonzáles, A.; Martín-Gil, F.J.
Revista/Journal: Journal of Thermal Analysis 1989, 35 (3), 805-813
Fecha Publicación/Publication Date: 01/05/1989
Impacto/Impact: JCR (1989): 0.302    CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL    Posición/Position: 36/41    Cuartil/Quartile: Q4    Tercil/Tertile: T3
DOI: 10.1007/BF02057236


The kinetics of thermal decomposition of praseodymium(III) nitrate hexahydrate was studied by using isothermal and dynamic thermogravimetric techniques. Kinetic analysis of the isothermal data with respect to various solid-state reaction models showed that the reaction is best described by phase boundary-controlled and random nucleation models. Kinetic analysis of the dynamic TG curves was discussed and a critical comparison was made of two integral methods, that of Coats and Redfern and that of Ozawa. The results showed that the Ozawa method gives a better correlation, and the results are in good agreement with those obtained under isothermal thermogravimetric conditions.


Universidad de Valladolid | GIR Termotecnia
Paseo del Cauce nº 59, 47011, Valladolid
Reservado todos los derechos

Investigador Coordinador:
Francisco Javier Rey Martínez
+34 983 42 33 66 |