Grupo de Termotecnia de la Universidad de Valladolid

GIR             Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de la Universidad de Valladolid
UIC 053      Unidad de Investigación Consolidada de Castilla y León


Diseño web: Paula M. Esquivias

Biomass as an energy resource in Castile and Leon (Spain)

Autores/Authors: Antolín-Giraldo, G.; Irusta-Mata, R.; Velasco-Gómez, E.; Carrasco-García, J.E.; González, E.; Ortíz, L.
Revista/Journal: Energy 1996, 21 (3), 165-172
Fecha Publicación/Publication Date: 01/03/1996
Impacto/Impact: JCR (1996): 1.159    ENERGY & FUELS    Posición/Position: 5/56    Cuartil/Quartile: Q1    Tercil/Tertile: T1
DOI: 10.1016/0360-5442(95)00106-9


We analyse present biomass utilization and the potential of biomass residues for energy use in Castilla y León and compare biomass with other forms of local energy production. Residual biomass supplied about 9% of the total energy consumed in 1990. About 85% of the biomass is used in the domestic sector. Exploitable potential biomass in Castilla y León represents 4485 kmtoe/yr, about 78% of total primary energy production in 1990. The implementation of a biomass programme will avoid desertification of set-aside and marginal lands. Furthermore, substitution of coal by biomass fuels will reduce air emissions by about 11,000 kmts of CO2/yr and 350 kmts SO2/yr.


Universidad de Valladolid | GIR Termotecnia
Paseo del Cauce nº 59, 47011, Valladolid
Reservado todos los derechos

Investigador Coordinador:
Francisco Javier Rey Martínez
+34 983 42 33 66 |