Grupo de Termotecnia de la Universidad de Valladolid

GIR             Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de la Universidad de Valladolid
UIC 053      Unidad de Investigación Consolidada de Castilla y León


Diseño web: Paula M. Esquivias

The harmonic method: A new procedure to obtain wall periodic cross response factors

Autores/Authors: Varela-Díez, F.; Rey-Martínez, F.J.; Velasco-Gómez, E.; Aroca-Lastra, S.
Revista/Journal: International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2012, 58, 20-28
Fecha Publicación/Publication Date: 01/08/2012
Impacto/Impact: JCR (2012): 2.470    THERMODYNAMICS    Posición/Position: 5/55    Cuartil/Quartile: Q1    Tercil/Tertile: T1
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2012.03.005


Thermal accumulation phenomena are one of the hardest problems to solve in thermal load and energy calculations in buildings. The evolution in the mathematical modeling of building envelopes wants to provide a response to the growing need for accuracy in equipment dimensioning and energy certification calculation methods.

Among all existing methods, the response factors method and the transfer function method, developed by Mitalas (1967) and Stephenson (1971), stand out due to their simplicity, accuracy and widespread use.

After that, with the release of the RTS (Radiant Time Series) method, developed by J.D. Spitler, D.E. Fisher and C.O. Pedersen in 1997, the concept of periodic response factors is introduced, adding the hypothesis of 24-h periodicity of the input conditions.

The main difficulty of the method lies in obtaining these so called response factors or weighting factors, which requires an approximate, complex, and high computing cost procedure.

In this paper, a new method to obtain 24 h periodic wall response factors called the Harmonic Method is presented, which constitutes an improvement over usual methods used to obtain wall response factors. It will be shown that this method is able to reduce computational effort and increase accuracy compared to previous calculation algorithms.


Universidad de Valladolid | GIR Termotecnia
Paseo del Cauce nº 59, 47011, Valladolid
Reservado todos los derechos

Investigador Coordinador:
Francisco Javier Rey Martínez
+34 983 42 33 66 |